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Stephen sinelson

Stephen sinelson

Tulane University School of Medicine, USA


Stephen Nelson works at Tulane University School of Medicine in New Orleans, Louisiana, where he is Chief of Pediatric Neurology, Associate Professor of Pediatrics, Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry. He is also Medical Director of the Tulane Center for Autism and Related Disorders.

He earned his BS in biology from California State Polytechnic University of Pomona, graduating valedictorian and summa cum laude. This was followed by a PhD in Biomedical Sciences from UCR, and then an MD from UCSD. He then completed his Pediatrics Residency at Wilford Hall Medical Center and then a Pediatric Neurology Fellowship at Stanford University. He then was Chief of Pediatric Neurology at Keesler Air Force Base followed by Program Director of the Pediatric Neurology Fellowship, and Director of Child Neurology, at USUHS.


Abstract : Title: Pediatric Encephalopathy