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Maja Zaczek-Moczydłowska

Maja Zaczek-Moczydłowska

Queens University, UK


Soft rot Enterobacteriaceae, including Pectobacterium and Dickeya, affect a number of plants including vegetables and fruits, causing high economic loses for producers. There is currently no treatment for soft rot Enterobacteriaceae in field conditions, and control is largely based on the use of sanitary growing practices. The increasing number of epidemics in recent years caused by Pectobacterium and Dickeya in Europe indicate a need for the formulation of commercially available and effective biocontrol measures to counteract soft rot pathogens. Highly specific bacterial viruses – bacteriophages – have been investigated by a number of researchers as a biocontrol tool to treat bacterial diseases. In this study, bacteriophages isolated from vegetable processing water have been characterised using transmission electron microscopy (TEM), molecular biology methods, and tested for antimicrobial and lytic activity.  Bacteriophages efficacious against soft rot Enterobacteriaceae in potato have been formulated into a phage-based ‘cocktail’, which has been assessed through bioassays and field trials. It has been shown that the phage ‘cocktail’ decreased soft rot symptoms and increased yields in vivo.  


Abstract : Title: Characterisation of bacteriophages infecting Pectobacterium spp. for phage-based biocontrol formulation against soft rot in field conditions