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Umadevi Umakanthan

Umadevi Umakanthan

Rajaratnam College for Women, India


U.Umadevi M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Botany. Published 35 research articles in National and International Journals. Editorial board member of Virology Research Journal. Co-authored a scientific book, “The Multiscience 22nd century inventions” (Publishers - Scholar’s press, Germany) and also published book on divinity. Filed 9 patents. Received awards, fellowships, prizes from Government and private organizations. Chaired the International conference, organized by World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, London on 17 th and 18 th October, 2016 and got best paper award. Received Alexander Flemming Award from USA. Got many central and state Government scholarship and grants.


Abstract : Potentiation of Antibiotic with Universal potentiator – A novel and basic invention