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Farid sadati

Farid sadati

Ondokuz Mayis University Medical School

Title: Title: Simultaneous Integration of Influenza Vaccine and Chitosan Nanoparticles within CpG Nucleotides Oligodesoxi and Check its Efficiency in Reducing the Dose of Influenza Vaccine in the Mouse Model


Biography: Farid sadati


SeyedFarid Sadati has completed his Bachelor of Science from Shahid Madani University of Azarbaijan(2010) in Molecular and Cell Biology and Master of Science studies from Higher Education Institute of Rab-Rashid(2014) in Microbiology-Biotechnology. He has two years of experiment in Pasteur Institute of Iran, experiencing vaccine development and drug delivery methods by applying nanoparticles and adjuvants. He is Studying his PhD studies in Ondokuz Mayis University(2017-present) in department of Medical Microbiology.