Call for Abstract

11th World Microbiology & Immunology Congress , will be organized around the theme “A New Era of Science in Microbiology and Immunology”

Euro Microbiology 2018 is comprised of 27 tracks and 172 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in Euro Microbiology 2018.

Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.

Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.

Microbial Biotechnology is the branch of microbiology that deals with the technological application that uses microbiological systems, microbial organisms or derivatives, thereof to make or modify products or processes for specific use. The techniques involved in microbial biotechnology are replica plating, conjugation, transformation, transduction, mutagenesis etc. Microbes are suited for studying genetics and made a huge contribution in the field of genetic engineering.

  • Track 1-1Microbial Genetics
  • Track 1-2Microbial Biochemistry
  • Track 1-3Microbial nanotechnology
  • Track 1-4Bioinformatics
  • Track 1-5Protein engineering and enzymology
  • Track 1-6Biofilms
  • Track 1-7 Molecular biology methods
  • Track 1-8Strain improvement

Pharmaceutical Microbiology is the branch of microbiology which deals with the study of drugs and its action. it deals with rational and scientific basis of therapeutics. The knowledge of cell biology and biochemistry increasing, pharmacology has also changed substantially. Through molecular analysis of receptors, became possible to design chemicals that act on specific cellular signaling or metabolic pathways by affecting sites directly on cell-surface receptors.

  • Track 2-1 Drug safety
  • Track 2-2 Biological drugs
  • Track 2-3 Dis infection
  • Track 2-4Drug manufacture
  • Track 2-5Pharmacokinetics
  • Track 2-6Pharmacodynamics
  • Track 2-7Therapeutic proteins
  • Track 2-8Biosimilars

Industrial microbiology is a branch of applied microbiology that uses the microbes in industrial processes like fermentation, antibiotic, enzymes, organic acid production. One of the most promising approach to resource conservation and cost reduction. It uses the genetic and molecular manipulation of microorganisms to make or modify process or products for specific use. Fermentation processes are used for the sustainable production of materials and energy is demanding and advancement for novel fermentation process. Process of fermentation includes the uses of microorganisms.

  • Track 3-1Enzymes
  • Track 3-2Organic acids
  • Track 3-3 Vitamins
  • Track 3-4Bioreactors
  • Track 3-5Single cell protein
  • Track 3-6Biorefinery
  • Track 3-7Bioprocess
  • Track 3-8Production of Antibiotics

Medical Microbiology is a branch of applied microbiology deals with the study of microorganisms that causes infectious diseases, its diagnostics, prevention and treatment. Breakthroughs in this and associated scientific fields have revolutionized the practice of medicine: newer and simpler tests for the more accurate diagnosis of disease; genetic and proteomic tests that allow for prevention of disease; more efficient methods for designing and making drugs that are targeted at the molecular level and therefore conceivably more effective but less toxic; the possibility of gene therapy to cure diseases that are previously incurable.

  • Track 4-1 Drug resistance
  • Track 4-2 Stem cell therapy
  • Track 4-3 Attenuated vaccines
  • Track 4-4 Immunoassays
  • Track 4-5 Bacteriology /Bacterial Infection
  • Track 4-6Virology and Mycology/Mycosis
  • Track 4-7Molecular Technique
  • Track 4-8Human Microbiome

Food microbiology is the study of microorganisms that inhabit in the food, causes food borne diseases, and food spoilage.  Microorganisms are essentially important to produce fermented foods like curd, yoghurt, cheese, beer, wine and bread. Probiotics consumption is increasing day by day and that become increasingly important in food microbiology. Bacterial toxins are the main cause of food contamination. Now a day’s microbial polymers are also used in the food industry. Lactobacillus, Saccharomyces are the important bacteria used in the food fermentations.

  • Track 5-1Food safety
  • Track 5-2Emerging Food borne pathogens
  • Track 5-3Molecular detections for food pathogen
  • Track 5-4Beneficial Microorganisms
  • Track 5-5Preservation techniques and Canning
  • Track 5-6Probiotics
  • Track 5-7Quality control
  • Track 5-8Food contamination and spoilage
  • Track 5-9Food Chemistry

Agricultural Microbiology is the study of soil fertility, microbial degradation of organic matter, plant associated microbes. Microorganisms play a key role in increasing the soil fertility thereby increasing the overall production in the agriculture sector. Biofertilizers are prepared from microorganisms they are low cost, renewable source of plant nutrients which supplements the chemical fertilizer. Microorganisms plays a vital role in microbial antagonism, enriching nutrient transformation process.

  • Track 6-1Biofertilizers
  • Track 6-2Crop yielding management
  • Track 6-3Green manuring
  • Track 6-4Microbial insecticides
  • Track 6-5Plant-microbe interaction
  • Track 6-6Nitrogen fixation
  • Track 6-7Biochemical processes

Marine Microbiology is the study of microorganisms   living in saltwater, open oceans, estuaries, sea sediments etc. It focusses mainly on the interaction of the macro organisms and microorganisms within these communities. 50% of earths oxygen is generated by these marine organisms. It includes the biodiversity, ecology and biogeochemistry of marine organisms. Understanding of the form, flow, and function of biological molecules (genes, proteins, lipids, and metabolites), which shape the structure of cells, organisms, and ecosystems, and how encoded cellular information flows through a dynamic ocean and shapes the trajectory of ecosystem processes and biogeochemical cycles is a critical aspect of microbial oceanography and molecular ecology. 

  • Track 7-1Marine ecology
  • Track 7-2Marine pollution
  • Track 7-3Symbiont diversity
  • Track 7-4Microbial and Chemical biodiversity
  • Track 7-5Marine science
  • Track 7-6Marine bio geo chemistry
  • Track 7-7Marine natural products chemistry

Cellular Microbiology is a branch of microbiology that connects cell biology and microbiology. Cellular Microbiology uses pathogenic microbes as a tool for cell biology research.  Toxins and virulence factors from microbes have been used for decades to influence processes in eukaryotic cells and to study them. Recently Cellular Microbiology has been expanded to incorporate investigation of the cell biology of microbes themselves. "The field of cellular microbiology is a coalescence of two fields: molecular microbiology and cell biology.

  • Track 8-1Cancer immunology
  • Track 8-2Ocular Immunology
  • Track 8-3Immunodermatology
  • Track 8-4Adaptive immunity
  • Track 8-5T cells and B cells

Molecular Microbiology is a branch of microbiology that deals with the study of physiological processes in microorganisms. It additionally includes headway in pathogenicity of microorganisms. Atomic microbiology is a quickly extending territory of contemporary science: the utilization of sub-atomic science has opened the microbial world in numerous noteworthy ways. The fascination of microorganisms is that they are independent and that they offer complete answers for comprehension the marvel of life.

  • Track 9-1Genetic engineering
  • Track 9-2Gene therapy
  • Track 9-3Cell signaling
  • Track 9-4Microengineering
  • Track 9-5Soil:gene to ecosystem
  • Track 9-6Gel electrophoresis
  • Track 9-7PCR

Nano microbiology is the study of microorganisms whose size is in nano level. Recent advances in nano microbiology are revolutionizing our views of microbial surfaces. It gives three dimensional images of the cells and membranes at the nanoscale that helps to understand the changes in microbial surfaces on interaction with drugs and other chemicals.

  • Track 10-1Nanomedicine
  • Track 10-2Nanobiotechnology
  • Track 10-3Cancer nanomedicine
  • Track 10-4Bacterial polymers
  • Track 10-5Food polymers
  • Track 10-6Emerging trends of atomic sclae tailoring
  • Track 10-7Nanoprobes for molecular detection
  • Track 10-8Nano biosensors
  • Track 10-9Nanotheranostics
  • Track 10-10Nano pharmaceuticals
  • Track 10-11Mycofabrication

Microorganisms which gets attached to the surface and develops is known as biofilm. Biofilm structure generally comprises of microbial cells and extracellular polymeric substance (EPS) matrix. Because of the presence of EPS in biofilm, it makes the microbial population resistance against the antibiotic or other drugs. Biofilms have a defined architecture and provides optimal environment for the exchange of generic material between the cells. Biofilm plays major role in certain infectious diseases and thus has greater importance for the public health. 

  • Track 11-1Microbes as infectious agents to animals
  • Track 11-2Disease of animal system
  • Track 11-3Animal health
  • Track 11-4Veterinary immunology
  • Track 11-5Veterinary vaccinology
  • Track 11-6Transmission and control of infectious disease of animals

Water Microbiology is the branch of microbiology that deals with the study of microorganisms found in water. Water can support the growth of many microorganisms and it can be advantageous. The presence of disease causing organisms in the water is unhealthy and even life threatening. The intestinal tracts of animals contain viruses and that can also contaminate the water.

  • Track 12-1Water borne disease
  • Track 12-2Water safety
  • Track 12-3Water Technology and Its Applications
  • Track 12-4Biofilms in Drinking water
  • Track 12-5Drinking Water Microbiology

Aero Microbiology is the branch of microbiology that deals with the study of airborne pathogens. Bacteria suspended in air, in precipitation and in clouds are collected, quantified and characterized. Organisms are sprayed by coughing, sneezing etc. and are carried by dust particle, droplet nuclei.

  • Track 13-1Microbial Processes
  • Track 13-2Air borne diseases
  • Track 13-3Physical environment
  • Track 13-4Transmission and Prevention

We all heard about the terms, yeast, molds and fungi. these are the eukaryotic microorganisms and with them this study is called Mycology. During classification, Fungi have been given their own separate kingdom. Fungi are multi-faceted which are distributed entire the world, it can also grow in a large variety of habitats and can survive even the most critical conditions- which include the intense temperatures both cold & super-hot. Algae study is called as Phycology. These are the primary producers in the aquatic ecosystem, are extremely essential in the growth of microorganisms in the water eco-systems. In earlier, they were true plants, but after serious studies, it is found to be pseudo-plants, hence given a separate classification.  In most cases, algae are single-celled and only few species are multicellular.

  • Track 14-1Fungal and Algal diseases
  • Track 14-2Antimycotic therapy
  • Track 14-3Diseases to plants and animals
  • Track 14-4Spore production
  • Track 14-5Recent discoveries in fungal vaccines
  • Track 14-6Defense against infections
  • Track 14-7Antifungal vaccines

According to microbiologists the nematodes parasites are "the most numerous animals on Earth" with about 80,000 prevailing and recognized species which are only 40% of all the nematodes on earth. Generally, It Is seen in the water bodies- oceans and freshwater and sometimes also in the loamy soils. Basically, they are found as internal parasites in the digestive system, generally intestines in humans and animals. thread worms are the most prevalent and commonly seen nematodes with small parasites, Either at the anterior end or at the posterior end the mouths of these nematodes are seen, by the gut being a non-muscular straight tube near the anus.  Protozoology, which is the study of protozoans, With Antonie von Leeuwenhoek in his first microscope the single-celled eukaryotic organisms, the same organisms which were first studied and observed

  • Track 15-1Hermaphroditism
  • Track 15-2Nematode parasites
  • Track 15-3Endo and Ecto parasites
  • Track 15-4 Entomophilic, marine and freshwater nematodes

The study of diseases caused by disorders of the immune system is clinical immunology. The disorders of the immune systems are classified into Immunodeficiency and autoimmune disorders. In translational Immunology the researchers use immunological discoveries to develop a solution for human problem.

  • Track 16-1Techniques
  • Track 16-2Skin diseases
  • Track 16-3Immune regulation
  • Track 16-4HIV infections
  • Track 16-5Allergy and anaphylaxis
  • Track 16-6Immune mediated neurological syndromes

Cancer Immunology is a branch of immunology and it studies interactions between the immune system and cancer cells. These cancer cells, through subtle alterations, become immortal malignant cells but are often not changed enough to elicit an immune reaction. Understanding how the immune system works—or does not work—against cancer is a primary focus of Cancer Immunology investigators.  Immune system can promote the elimination of tumors, but often immune responses are modulated or suppressed by the tumor microenvironment. The Tumor microenvironment is an important aspect of cancer biology that contributes to tumor initiation, tumor progression and responses to therapy. Cells and molecules of the immune system are a fundamental component of the tumor microenvironment. 

  • Track 17-1Neutrophils and macrophages in cancer
  • Track 17-2 Anti-cancer/tumor immunity
  • Track 17-3 Tumor angiogenesis
  • Track 17-4Recent discoveries in cancer and tumor vaccine
  • Track 17-5 Immune markers in Cancer and tumor

The response to pathogens is composed by the complex interactions and activities of the enormous number of diverse cell types involved in the immune response. The innate immune response is the first line of defense and occurs soon after pathogen exposure. It is carried out by phagocytic cells such as neutrophils and macrophages, cytotoxic natural killer (NK) cells, and granulocytes. Humoral Immunology is a branch of immunology that deals with the study of immunity that is mediated by macro molecules found in the extracellular fluids.

  • Track 18-1Immunoglobulins
  • Track 18-2 Function of Antibodies
  • Track 18-3 Natural killer cell Immunology
  • Track 18-4 Thymus and Lymphocyte Immunobiology
  • Track 18-5 Immunomodulation

Concerned with immunological knowledge at molecular, cellular and functional levels of innate and acquired immunity, like molecular aspects of immune regulation, immunoproteomics, immunogenomics, immunochemistry, immunoglycomics, impact of molecular changes at the tissue level.

  • Track 19-1Immunogenomics
  • Track 19-2Immunochemistry
  • Track 19-3Molecular therapeutics
  • Track 19-4Immunogenicity
  • Track 19-5Immunoproteomics
  • Track 19-6Host response
  • Track 19-7Lung immunology

Autoimmunity is the mode of immune response of an organism against its own cells and tissues. Any disease that results from such an aberrant immune response is termed as an autoimmune disease. Some examples include celiac disease, Type 1 Diabetes mellitus, lupus, Sjogren’s syndrome, graves’ disease, idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura, Addison’s disease, rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, polymyositis, and dermatomyositis and inflammation is a signal mediated response to cellular insult by infectious agents, toxins, and physical stress. While acute inflammation is important to the immune response, chronic inappropriate inflammation can cause tissue autoimmunity, neurodegenerative cardiovascular diseases.

  • Track 20-1 Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Track 20-2Graves’ disease
  • Track 20-3Immune mediated diseases
  • Track 20-4Hypersensitivity
  • Track 20-5 Drug evaluation and Advanced techniques
  • Track 20-6 Auto inflammatory diseases
  • Track 20-7 Drug therapy and pharmacotherapeutics

Transplantation refers to transfer of living cells, tissues and organs from one part of the body to another from one individual to another. Transplantation mainly consists of three types: (1) organ or tissue transplantation; (2) Anatomical site of origin of transplant & site of its placement i.e., orthotropic (normal sites), heterotopic (abnormal sites); (3) Vital grafts and Structural grafts. The roles of the different components of the immune system involved in the tolerance or rejection of grafts and in graft-versus-host disease have been clarified. These elements consist of counteract ant, ant generative cells, helper and cytotoxic T cell subsets, immune cell surface molecules, signaling mechanisms and cytokines that they release.

  • Track 21-1Immunosuppression
  • Track 21-2Immunobiology of rejection
  • Track 21-3Histocompatibility antigens

  Food Allergies are increasing in prevalence at a higher rate than can be explained by genetic factors, suggesting a role for yet unidentified environmental factors. The intestinal epithelium forms the interface between the external environment and the mucosal immune system, and emerging data suggest that the interaction between intestinal epithelial cells and mucosal dendritic cells is of importance in determining the outcome of immune responses to dietary antigens. Exposure to food allergens through non-oral routes, through the skin, is increasingly recognized as a potentially crucial factor in the increasing rate of food allergy. There are many open questions on the role of environmental factors, such as dietary factors and microbiota, in the development of food allergy, but data suggest that both have an important modulatory effect on the mucosal immune system.

  • Track 22-1Food allergies
  • Track 22-2Food toxins
  • Track 22-3Effect on the mucosal system
  • Track 22-4Diagnostic techniques
  • Track 22-5Dietary antigens

Vaccine is a product that produces immunity against a disease. Vaccines can prevent diseases and are very effective. Vaccine mobilizes the host immune system to prevent viral can break the chain of transmission. Vaccines provide active and passive immunity. Vaccines are made of the entire disease-causing microorganisms or some of its components. Smallpox vaccine is the first success vaccine. Immuno therapy is the treatment that uses certain parts of a person’s immune system to fight diseases such as cancer. 

  • Track 23-1Vaccine safety
  • Track 23-2Therapeutic proteins
  • Track 23-3Human vaccines
  • Track 23-4Bacterial vaccines
  • Track 23-5Vaccination strategies

  Antibiotics are the drug used to treat bacterial infections. Antibiotics have no effect on viral infections. Originally, an antibiotic was a substance produced by one microorganism that selectively inhibits the growth of another. Synthetic antibiotics, usually chemically related to natural antibiotics, have since been produced that accomplish comparable tasks. Several antibiotics are also effective against fungi and protozoans, and some are toxic to humans and animals, even when given in therapeutic dosage. Antibiotic must reach the binding site of the microbe to interfere with the life cycle & must occupy “sufficient” number of active sites.

  • Track 24-1Novel antibacterial drug discovery
  • Track 24-2Investigating antibiotic use and determining minimal -risk policies
  • Track 24-3Antibacterial resistance
  • Track 24-4Nutrition as a method of controlling bacterial infections

Environmental Biotechnology is a branch of biotechnology that applies biotechnology to solve the environmental problems and helps to use, regulate and develop environmental systems and prevent the environment from contamination of land, air and water for a sustainable future. It is connected, and it is utilized to concentrate to study of natural environment.

  • Track 25-1Soil microbiology
  • Track 25-2Plant pathology
  • Track 25-3Biodiversity and Conservation
  • Track 25-4Bioenvironmental engineering
  • Track 25-5Microbial ecology
  • Track 25-6Bioremediation
  • Track 26-1Neurophysiology
  • Track 26-2Epilepsy
  • Track 26-3Autism
  • Track 26-4 Pediatric Psychological Disorders
  • Track 26-5 Pediatric Neuromuscular Disorders
  • Track 26-6Development delay
  • Track 26-7 Pediatric Neuroinformatics and Brain Mapping
  • Track 26-8 Pediatric Neuroimaging
  • Track 27-1Cancer Cell Mechanisms
  • Track 27-2Metabolism and transcription in cancer
  • Track 27-3Interpretive Oncology
  • Track 27-4Medical Oncology
  • Track 27-5Cancer Biostatistics
  • Track 27-6 Cancer Epidemiology
  • Track 27-7Cancer Clinical trials and Drug Discovery